Green Cross Health

Cloud-based solution simplifies security operations across a network of medical centers and pharmacies.

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The challenge

For medical centers and pharmacies, the provision of a high standard of security is critical. With the storage of controlled drugs, industry compliance standards to meet, and staff and patient safety at stake, these sites require a robust security solution.

Green Cross Health previously had poor experiences with security providers, who had proved hard to get hold of if the team had a query or needed to make any changes. There was little visibility of who was monitoring each of their sites – or even if they were being monitored at all. “Half the time we weren’t sure if a site was being monitored,” says Niam Kerr-Bell, Design and Development Manager for Green Cross Health. “I’d set the alarm and not know if the alarm was going to go off internally, or whether someone was going to be notified.”

The Gallagher solution

Gallagher’s cloud-based solution provided the answers Green Cross Health required. “I had heard about some of the critical sites around the world that Gallagher was protecting and thought, ‘oh wow!’” says Niam. “Straight away I had confidence in the system.”

The Gallagher solution was installed at their brand-new The Doctors Greenlane Medical Centre site in Auckland and is now being built into all new sites and retrospective installations across New Zealand.

“We are starting to spec the Gallagher cloud-based security solution in every build we do now, and every new business we acquire.”

“Since installing the Gallagher system, Green Cross Health has seen huge returns on investment. “Our security monitoring costs have halved.”

Niam Kerr-Bell, Design and Development Manager, Green Cross Health

The business value

At The Doctors Greenlane Medical Centre, the Gallagher system is helping the center offset some of the operational costs through securely sub-letting some of their consult rooms to health professionals such as acupuncturists and physiotherapists. Utilizing Gallagher readers installed at each consult room door, the center can grant the health professional access to their consult room through the app. Not only does this simplify access by removing the hassle of issuing sets of keys, it also ensures access to other areas of the center remain restricted to authorized staff only.

The Gallagher system also supports Green Cross Health to adhere to strict protocols and comply with audits for Cornerstone – an accreditation framework managed by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners.

Since installing the Gallagher system, Green Cross Health has seen huge returns on investment. “Our security monitoring costs have halved,” says Niam. In the past, the company received numerous individual invoices from different security providers for each of the sites they monitored. With Gallagher’s centralized billing process, Green Cross Health now receive one invoice per month with a full list of all their sites.

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