Security Advisories FAQ

  • What versions of Gallagher Command Centre are supported?
    We support our latest version of Command Centre and the three previous versions.
  • What if I’m on an earlier version of Command Centre, that is no longer supported?
    Gallagher recommend all customers have Software Maintenance in place to stay up-to-date and remain on a supported version of software.
  • What is a 'maintenance release'?
    A maintenance release is a new version of Command Centre that addresses any functional bugs or security vulnerabilities identified. Maintenance releases only contain bug fixes and may only require a server upgrade.
  • Is a maintenance release just a patch?
    No, a maintenance release is a new Command Centre upgrade, not just a patch however they may only require a server upgrade.
  • How much do these maintenance releases cost?
    All maintenance releases are free if you are on a supported version of Command Centre.
  • What will happen if I don’t use the maintenance release?
    Your system will potentially be vulnerable to cyber attack. Some security advisories may contain other mitigations you can apply while arranging for the upgrade to reduce your risk.
  • What happens if I have a customization?
    Existing customizations should continue to work and should not be impacted.
  • How are maintenance releases accessed?
    Please contact your Gallagher Representative to access and install maintenance releases.
  • What is a CVE?
    CVE stands for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures and is a list of common identifiers for publicly known cyber security vulnerabilities from around the world. CVE is now the industry standard for vulnerability and exposure identifiers. Having a single unique identifier ensures parties can confidently discuss and share information about a unique vulnerability, it provides a baseline tool for evaluation and it enables automated data exchange.

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