Security Hub FAQs
Below you will find answers to our most commonly asked questions about Gallagher Security Hub. If you can't find the answer you're looking for and need more support, reach out to our team.
What is Gallagher Security Hub?
Logging In
How do I log in to Gallagher Security Hub?
What happens if I forget my login details?
Placing an Order
Are there minimum/maximum quantities when ordering some products?
Can I still use existing channels for ordering?
How do I compare different products within the Security Hub platform?
Why is there no freight showing on my order?
Why is there no tax showing in my order summary?
Does the price displayed include my Performance Discount?
How will I know what stock levels are available across the Gallagher range?
I made an error with my order – what do I do now?
I placed my order with an incorrect delivery address, can this be updated?
Can I apply my government discount when ordering?
Tracking Order Status and History
Where can I track the status of my order?
Where can I find my order history?
Account Management
What if I need to place an order for another branch?
I need to update my account details and email address – how do I do this?
I have changed jobs and now work for another Channel Partner – how can I get access to order on behalf of them?
How can I access further support if I get stuck?
For Training FAQ, please visit our Training and Certifications page.
I cannot find what I am looking for within the Resources library, what should I do?
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