Serenity Float Clinic

Charl Eksteen, Owner of Serenity Float Clinic, enjoys how Gallagher keeps his business secure while ensuring access into his clinic is simple and painless for customers and staff.

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Charl Eksteen and his team are in the business of keeping people calm.

Using the latest floatation tank technology, they help people with stress, anxiety, pain, and sleep issues. “Floating will quite possibly be the most relaxing thing you will ever do.” says Charl, Serenity Float Clinic business owner.

Every element of the 100-year-old villa that houses the clinic has been carefully designed to ensure the customer experience is a deeply relaxing one - from soundproofing, air, and temperature quality to the gently colored lights.

In keeping with this approach, it was important to Charl that access into his clinic be simple and painless for both his customers and six staff. The hassle of managing keys and lack of visibility over who was in the building at any time, led him to explore options for an access solution.

“I spent plenty of time researching all kinds of different door locks. I didn’t want to deal with a whole bunch of outstanding keys, getting them back from people,” he says.

The discovery of Gallagher’s SMB security solution ticked many boxes. As a self-described “techy person”, Charl loved the idea of a mobile-first access system. “Everyone has a smartphone, and it’s very rare that people don’t have their smartphone with them.” He also loved the idea of being an early adopter of a locally made solution.

“With the Gallagher SMB app I can just do everything on my phone and know who is in my building at any time.”

Charl Eksteen, Owner, Serenity Float and Massage Clinic

With the Gallagher SMB app Charl can manage staff and customer access to the clinic entirely from his smartphone. He has visibility and control of the entrance door from anywhere, at any time. Using the History Log, he can also see who has been on-site at what time.

Rather than dealing with keys, Serenity Float Clinic staff and customers have the SMB app installed on their phones, and simply badge in at a Gallagher T15 reader at the door to unlock it.

The Gallagher SMB solution will play a vital role in the next innovation for Serenity Float Clinic – establishing an after hours program, allowing VIP customers to come and float outside of the rush of business hours. “My dream is to give around 80 customers the ability to come in the early morning or later in the evening or when it suits them best. We’re all about creating peace and calm.”

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