Saïd Business School

Hosting visitors with strict personal security requirements, Saïd Business School required a system which provides a higher level of security.

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The challenge

Saïd Business School is the University of Oxford’s centre of learning for undergraduate and graduate students in business, management and finance.

Saïd Business School is located right next to a train station – a heavy transit route into Oxford. While this location is convenient for students and staff, proximity to the station was making it easy for organized thieves to target the school and use the train to get in and out quickly.

As hosts to international heads of state, royalty and others with strict personal security requirements, the school also saw a clear need to upgrade its security system to achieve a higher level of security.

The Gallagher solution

Gallagher T-series readers were installed on doors throughout the building and new access cards were issued to all employees and students. Gallagher Command Centre is used to manage access control groups and set privileges to enable varying levels of access to different parts of the building. Students and staff can now easily move around the school and access the rooms and resources they need on a day-to-day basis, with confidence they’re safe from unauthorized intruders.

The business value

Schools can be vulnerable to vandalism, theft and, increasingly, violence and terrorism by individuals or groups, so security is a top priority for Saïd Business School. Ensuring students and staff have peace of mind that they are studying and working in a safe and secure place is of paramount importance.

Built-in reporting tools also enable the estate managers to carefully monitor the system to keep the site secure. The ability to run reports allows for checking on occupancy levels and usage of certain areas, which helps to reallocate rooms quickly and efficiently.

"Having robust access control systems in place has helped create trust in the safety of our learning environment."

Martin Boyt, Estates Operations Manager, Saïd Business School

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