International School Bangkok

To maintain accountability, International School Bangkok (ISB) relies on an access control solution as adaptable and innovative as the mission of the school itself.

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Fostering accountability from the top down

Schools around the world bear the same core responsibilities to educate and protect students, but with linguistic diversity, external geopolitical risks, and large campuses, international schools face unique challenges in safeguarding children in attendance.

International School Bangkok (ISB), the premier international school in Thailand, is no different.

“ISB is a huge campus,” says Mark Hevland, Director of Risk Management for ISB. “We have over 1,700 students on 35 acres of campus, and because our goal is to prepare students to inherit a global society, we cultivate a school that’s flourishing with community activity.”

But with these activities come a variety of security challenges.

“We have different schedules, accommodations, and program changes for students across three divisions, and when we’re talking about security, truly, it’s about accountability,” Mark says.

To maintain that accountability, ISB relies on an access control solution as adaptable and innovative as the mission of the school itself.


Creating accountability

"I went with Gallagher because I knew of Command Centre's integration capabilities and I knew it could grow with us,” explains Mark, who worked with AES Group Ltd. to find a security system compatible with ISB's accountability standards.

ISB achieved that goal by working with AES Group Ltd. to install a flexible access control solution to manage school entry and track students’ movement throughout the day. Using access cards, students now tap on and off the bus, scan in at turnstiles upon arrival, and check out at the end of the day, giving ISB greater oversight over the movement of their student body.

“We designed our own check-in and reporting system to trace and organize the flow of students and visitors, and Command Centre’s ability to integrate with that system saved the day,” says Mark. The flexibility of Gallagher’s Rest API gave ISB the power to link their self-designed application with their access solution, giving them the control needed to meet their security needs. “Our main campus is full-blown Gallagher from the second you hit a turnstile at the main entrance to getting into the classrooms, and I don’t know how schools do it any other way because it works beautifully.”

Now, ISB has multiple layers of protection helping them account for each child on campus, starting with perimeter fencing all the way to the classroom. “Before we installed Gallagher, we didn’t have those layers of control,” says Mark, “and having that ability to really account for where our students are is huge.”

"Our main campus is full-blown Gallagher from the second you hit a turnstile at the main entrance to getting into the classrooms, and I don’t know how schools do it any other way because it works beautifully."

Mark Hevland, Director of Risk Management, International School Bangkok

Welcoming the ISB community

Building a strong community spirit of openness, caring, and inclusion is a core value at International School Bangkok. But to pull it off safely, they need flexibility and a well-organized calendar.

“Every community member, whether you’re a staff, parent, or student, has an ID access card,” explains Mark. “Then we have an application process for family helpers, visitors, coaches, etc. to ensure our safeguarding process is maintained.” Command Centre enables ISB to individualize credentials, so each member of the school’s community has the right amount of access to the campus and its buildings, including pick-up permissions for students.

Command Centre’s scheduling system also helps ISB plan ahead for their community events, holidays, and facility bookings, ensuring smooth access without disruption.

“The calendaring and scheduling controls from Gallagher are great because we can input all of our special dates at the beginning of the year,” Mark elaborates. “For example, once a month we have an early release day, so the kids’ cards will let them leave at an earlier time, which they wouldn’t normally allow.”

Scheduling controls have also enabled ISB to safely share their gym, invite alumni to visit on designated dates, and create timed windows for students to leave school for pre-planned appointments like doctors’ visits, simplifying both daily and special event management on campus.

Preparing for the future with data reports

When International School Bangkok installed Command Centre, they knew they’d gain a robust access control system, but they didn’t expect it would teach them more about their own school's community.

“What’s grown out of our system is information about how our campus is being used,” Mark explains. Every Monday, Command Centre generates a report detailing campus use over the weekend, including who entered, where they spent time, and for how long. And daily reports broken down by school division help ISB track attendance and locate students who may have entered the building, but aren’t in class.

These reporting tools have helped ISB manage budgets, track facility usage, and gain insights into where more staff and resources are needed to support the campus. The result is a stronger, safer, and more informed school ready to grow alongside the next generation of world leaders they educate.

“Gallagher has helped us not only support the overall safety of our school, but also helps us support our school’s mission and values of adaptability, self-management, and creativity,” reflects Mark. “I'm confident ISB has a trusted partner and system which will be supporting the safety or our community for years to come.”

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