Club Sierra

Club Sierra gains a competitive edge with Gallagher Security's SMB Solution.

Club Sierra, a well-established gym in Mundaring, Western Australia, faced a challenge in adapting to the changing demands of its members while remaining competitive in the fitness industry.

"The emergence of nearby 24/7 gyms posed a threat to our business,” states Julie Smith, who co-owns Club Sierra with her husband, Steve. “We were curious to explore how to find a solution to transition to round-the-clock operations. While we had considered becoming a 24/7 gym for some time, the logistics of implementing such a change in our old building seemed like a tricky challenge to overcome."

Built in the 1970s, Club Sierra’s building was originally a squash centre, but over the years it has been converted to also include a pool, gym, and a creche.

People are at the heart of the solution

Gallagher Security Sales Manager, Paul Gordon happened to be a member of Club Sierra and upon discovering the challenges facing the gym, introduced Steve and Julie to the business value that could be created with Gallagher’s SMB solution.

An app-based, security solution, Gallagher SMB is designed to simplify and streamline security for businesses. It offers a simple-to-use interface and essential features such as 24/7 access control and alarm management, eliminating complexity and ensuring ease of management.

In this instance, Gallagher’s SMB solution could provide a cost-effective and customer-centric system that would deliver security in a way that puts Club Sierra’s customers’ needs at the heart of what the security solution would provide.

“Once we learned about the potential business value that the SMB solution offered us, we set out to conduct our own research on what’s available in the market,” comments Julie.

“After looking at other security solution providers and checking the necessary system requirements with our insurance company, we decided that Gallagher’s SMB system was a perfect fit to help us meet our evolving business needs.”

"With Gallagher SMB, we have not only future-proofed our business but also gained an edge in the fitness industry."

Julie Smith, Co-owner, Club Sierra

Solidifying growth and achieving ROI

The Gallagher SMB system has seamlessly integrated into Club Sierra’s day-to-day operations. Behind the reception desk, an iPad with site manager access allows staff members to input members' information easily.

Each staff member also has site admin access on their phone, facilitating smooth adoption of the system. The SMB app has proven effective in preventing access tag sharing among members, helping ensure compliance with security protocols.

After implementing the SMB solution, Club Sierra experienced numerous positive outcomes. Members responded favourably to the extended hours, with early-morning usage becoming increasingly popular. In addition, some past members returned, attracted by the newly extended hours and reduced crowding during peak times.

While the primary goal was always to provide value to current members, Julie explains that the gym's new 24/7 availability has become a selling point, attracting new memberships.

“Based on the positive feedback we've received, we believe we’ll continue to see a steady stream of returning and new members, further solidifying the growth of our gym. The Gallagher SMB system has exceeded our expectations in terms of member satisfaction and operational efficiency.

“In fact, Steve and I estimate that the payback period for the SMB system will be around two years. With approximately 200 users already utilising the app, we only need an additional 20 new members signing up for a year to recover the remaining investment. The ROI of the SMB system has been amazing.”

Empowering businesses with a game-changing solution

From start to finish, the team at Club Sierra has been impressed with Gallagher Security’s exceptional support during the implementation of the SMB system. Julie reports that the installation process was smooth, and the explanations and training provided were professional and thorough.

"Based on our experience, I wholeheartedly recommend other business owners to take the plunge and implement Gallagher's SMB system,” says Julie.

“It has had a positive impact on our gym, enhancing our security measures, boosting member satisfaction, and delivering a tangible competitive advantage. The ease of use, exceptional support, and comprehensive features have truly transformed our operations. With Gallagher SMB, we have not only future-proofed our business but also gained an edge in the fitness industry.”

For more information about Gallagher Security’s SMB solution, please visit:

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