Protecting your self storage facility from the inside out

Written by

Baden Foster

Woman closing door of self storage unit

As the self-storage industry continues to grow, so does the need for reliable security solutions. In the past, the primary purpose of security was to protect against criminals and vandals. While those concerns are still relevant today, many modern security solutions can do much more than protect your property. With flexible access control software, perimeter security, integration opportunities, and versatile access credentials, self-storage security solutions can deliver peace of mind, easy access, and an enhanced customer experience.

Let’s break down why implementing these solutions should be at the top of your list for this year.

Creating security inside and out

Security is essential in any business, particularly if customers trust you with their valuable property. With so many aspects that go into running a successful self-storage business, it can take time to stay on top of security matters. That’s why having a full site security solution in place is essential for any business owner. A full site security solution incorporates access control, perimeter protections, and integration opportunities that are simple to manage, easy to use, and provide security inside and out.

Perimeter security is the first, and best, line of defense for businesses, with energized fences offering powerful deterrence, detection, and delay. Gallagher’s intelligent perimeter security solutions include disturbance and tension sensors that detect vibration or changes in wire tensioning. These innovative fence-line devices generate alarms when a disturbance meets a predefined threshold, providing quick intrusion detection and response times without the intruder becoming aware.

While intrusion detection starts at the fence line, integration with other security technologies and access control enables you to easily and securely manage who has access and when they have access. You can also set restrictions for certain customers or specific areas of the facility. Plus, with access control software, you can monitor activity in real-time and even receive alerts if someone tries to gain unauthorized entry or exit at any time.

Furthermore, Gallagher’s extensive integrations with CCTV, perimeter solutions, intruder alarms, access control, and other technologies create a modern, effective system that provides complete site control from one centralized management platform allowing you to monitor activity from multiple angles simultaneously.

Versatility of access credentials

Providing customers with access credentials to their self-storage unit is one of the most important steps in delivering a trusting and secure service. It’s no secret that a common self-storage buy-line is ‘you lock it, you keep the key.’ However, when a key can easily go missing or a padlock code forgotten, are you really providing your customers comfort that their valuables are protected?

Access control software determines who has access to your facility and when, while access credentials serve as the authorization that a customer can enter the facility. These modern credentials mean customers can safely and easily gain access to their valuables, day or night.

Offering customers, the ability to choose from a range of credential options, whether proximity card, key fob, or a mobile credential, also gives them the flexibility to pick one that suits their needs. Not only does this provide your renters greater peace of mind that their possessions are safe, it also gives them control over how they access their unit.

The benefits of total self-storage security solutions

As self-storage businesses become more popular, self-storage owners must think beyond security as a means to thwart criminals and vandals. Many modern security solutions can do much more than protect your property. With access control software, integration opportunities, and a full site security solution, you can provide easy access to your facility while enhancing a customer’s experience with your business. Here are some of the key benefits that come with implementing a full site security system:

  1. Increased efficiency
  2. Easy access
  3. Reduced overhead costs

Increased efficiency

Access control software can help streamline the process of managing multiple tenants at once by eliminating manual paperwork and reducing check-in times. This means less time spent managing tenants and more time focusing on other aspects of your business operations. Additionally, access control systems can integrate with other software platforms, such as CRM or accounting systems, to create an even smoother user experience for you and your customers.

Easy access

With access control software, you can provide easy access to tenants while keeping the facility secure. You can set up custom access privileges based on tenant type (e.g., long-term vs short-term) or set specific days or times when certain areas are restricted from entry (e.g., after hours). This ensures that only those who have permission are able to access your facility, while providing maximum convenience for tenants who need quick access whenever they please.

Reduced overhead costs

One of the most significant benefits of using a full site security system is that it helps reduce overhead costs associated with managing multiple tenants at once, from reduced staffing needs to fewer incidents requiring police intervention or insurance claims processing. Utilizing mobile credentials can also reduce costs by removing the need for a site to purchase cards, card printers, and ink or replacing lost keys or cards. For self-storage facilities with a significant number of renters, this can result in considerable cost savings.

Implementing a full site security solution will provide peace of mind for you and your customer, create security inside and out, and offer easy access. With access control software and integration opportunities, self-storage security solutions provide more than just protection against criminals and vandals; they also offer an improved customer experience and cost savings that make them well worth considering for any self-storage owner or manager looking for ways to improve their business’s operations.

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