
Severity: Medium: CVSS:3.1/AV:P/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:H/A:N

Components affected: Command Centre Server

Version of Command Centre affected: 8.90 prior to vEL8.90.1620 (MR2), 8.80 prior to vEL8.80.1369 (MR3), 8.70 prior to vEL8.70.2375 (MR5), 8.60 prior to vEL8.60.2550 (MR7), all versions of 8.50 and prior.

Reported by: Gallagher Internal

Active exploitation of vulnerability*: No

Description of vulnerability: Incorrect behaviour order in the Command Centre Server could allow privileged users to gain physical access to the site for longer than intended after a network outage when competencies are used in the access decision.

This issue affects: Gallagher Command Centre: 8.90 prior to vEL8.90.1620 (MR2), 8.80 prior to vEL8.80.1369 (MR3), 8.70 prior to vEL8.70.2375 (MR5), 8.60 prior to vEL8.60.2550 (MR7), all versions of 8.50 and prior.

Mitigation: Only sites using Competencies are affected.

Maintenance releases are now available for:

  • v8.90 – v8.90.1620 (MR2)
  • v8.80 – v8.80.1369 (MR3)
  • v8.70 – v8.70.2375 (MR5)
  • v8.60 – v8.60.2550 (MR7)

Important notes:

*This indicates whether Gallagher are aware of this being actively exploited against customer sites at the time of publication.

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