Gallagher SMB Policies*

* Product currently available in New Zealand, Australia, and the US.

  • App User Terms and Conditions

    Welcome to the terms and conditions (the “Terms”) on which Gallagher Group Limited (“we”, “our”, “us”, “Gallagher”) will supply the Gallagher Security Application (the “App”) and corresponding services to you.

    By downloading and/or using our App, you agree to be bound by these Terms (including any of our policies or other terms as stated in these Terms).


    1. Our Agreement

    1.1 You may use this App only for the period that the Site is subscribed for the Services. On the suspension or termination of the Site’s subscription, you must cease to access or use this App and we may restrict or block your access to this App.

    1.2 You acknowledge and warrant that: (1) if you are a minor, you have obtained the consent of your caregiver to your use of the App and the Services and your caregiver has had the opportunity to review these Terms (including our privacy policy) on your behalf; (2) you have the power to enter into a binding contract with us; and (3) you are the owner or lessor of the Site (or otherwise have the authorisation and consent of the owner or lessor of the Site to use the App and Services in relation to the Site).


    2. Our Services

    2.1 You may use this App to receive Services provided by us under the Subscription Agreement.

    2.2 Please note that we may vary the functionality of the App from time to time and will provide you with at least 1 month’s notice of any material changes (which may include notification through the App). Please note that material changes does not include performance fixes, new features and user interface and experience updates.

    2.3 You acknowledge that we will not be required to provide the App or Services to you during the time and to the extent that our performance is prevented due to:

    • Scheduled maintenance or service upgrades undertaken by us in relation to the App and Services.
    • Problems with any third-party equipment, software or material used in the provision of the App and Services, including any problems with internet or cellular connectivity.
    • Other products licensed to, or managed or owned by you or at the Site (including the Hardware, except where due to a breach of our Hardware warranty set out in these Terms).
    • Acts or omissions of you, or a failure by you to comply with these Terms.
    • An event outside the reasonable control of a party, including emergency or cybersecurity incidents (other than any security incident at the Site notified through the Products and Services).

    2.4 You agree that, as between you and us, we will own all of the Products, software and other products used for the provision of this App and the Services (other than the Hardware).


    3. Your Obligations

    3.1 You agree that you will only access and use the App and the Services in accordance with these Terms, the Subscription Agreement, all applicable laws, and solely in relation to the operation of the Site.

    3.2 To use the App and to receive the Services:

    • The Site must have an active subscription for the Services and must have purchased and correctly installed the Products.
    • You must at times of use have a stable internet or cellular connection.
    • You must comply with our policies relating to the App and the Services, including our password policy available on our website.

    3.3 You must notify us immediately if you become aware of any unauthorised use of any password or account or any other known or suspected breach of security regarding the use of any App.

    3.4 You agree that you will not:

    • Attempt, in any manner, to obtain the password, account, credentials or other security information from any other user and you must keep your account secure and not take any action that may impact the security of another else’s account.
    • Disrupt, interfere with, violate the security of, or attempt to gain unauthorised access to the Products or Services or any related equipment or circumvent or attempt to circumvent any technological measure implemented to protect the Services and Products.
    • Upload, transmit, distribute or run any computer virus, worm, Trojan horse or any computer code that could damage or alter any system, device or property used in connection with the Products or Services.
    • Run any form of auto-responder or “spam” on the Services.
    • Attach or connect any third party or otherwise unauthorised equipment to the Products or Hardware provided by us or the Installer.


    4. Your Payment

    4.1 The use of the App is included within the Subscription Payment. No other payment will be required to download or use this App.


    5. Use of Information

    5.1 You are responsible for ensuring the security of any personal information and the visual and audio recordings captured on the Products at the Site, which are held on your computer, mobile or other device.

    5.2 All personal information collected, used, disclosed and stored by us relating to the Services will be in accordance with our privacy policy (available here). You acknowledge that we may collect, use, and store certain personal information about you in order to provide the Services.

    5.3 You must immediately notify us if you become aware of any suspected or potential breach of applicable privacy laws in relation to the App or the Services.

    5.4 As part of your use of the App and the Services, you acknowledge that other information relating to your use of the Products and Services (which is not personal information) may be collected, used and stored by us, the Installer and other subcontractors. Certain information will be stored within the App and may count towards your storage limit.


    6. Intellectual Property Rights

    6.1 As between Gallagher and you, Gallagher is the owner or the licensee of all Intellectual Property Rights relating to the App and the Services and we retain all right, title and interest in and to the App.

    6.2 We grant you a royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use the Intellectual Property Rights  solely to the extent required for you to use the App and to receive the Services during the term in accordance with these Terms.  For the avoidance of doubt, the Apps are not sold or transferred to you and Gallagher retains ownership of all copies of the Apps at all times.

    6.3 You must not at any time:

    • Attempt to copy, alter, modify, replicate, or reverse engineer or enhance the Hardware, the Products or any software used for the Services.
    • Alter, remove or tamper with any trademark, patent or copyright notices or any confidentiality or proprietary notice, numbers or other means of identification used on or in relation to the Intellectual Property Rights.
    • Make any of our Intellectual Property Rights available to any third party (other than your personnel or contractors required to use it for the purposes of receiving the Products or Services).
    • Develop or use any third party applications that interact with the App or Services without our prior written consent.
    • Do any act or allow any act to be done that would or might invalidate or be inconsistent with our rights or title in and to the Intellectual Property Rights.


    7. Indemnity

    7.1 You will indemnify us, and our employees, agents and contractors in respect of all liabilities, costs and expenses (including full costs between solicitor and client), claims or demands incurred by us or any third party arising from any of your acts or omissions, your negligence, your breach of these Terms, or arising out of or incidental to your use of the Services.


    8. Limitation of liability


    8.2 You acknowledge that your sole and exclusive remedy for any issues relating to the App or the Services is to uninstall the App and to cease using the Services.

    8.3 Subject to claims available under consumer protection laws, we are not liable, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the use of (or inability to use) our Apps or Services.

    8.4 To the extent permitted by law, under no circumstances will we be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages, including any loss of revenue or profits, data, or data use regardless of whether we may have been warned of the possibility of those damages.


    9. Suspension or Cancellation

    9.1 We may suspend the provision of the Services to you at any time or may restrict or block your access to our App, including if you breach these Terms.

    9.2 You may cancel these Terms at any time by uninstalling the App.

    9.3 Either of us may cancel these Terms by giving written notice to the other with effect from the date specified in the notice if a party commits a material breach of these Terms and, if it is capable of remedy, does not remedy that breach within 30 days of receiving written notice from the other party.

    9.4 The cancellation of these Terms for any reason will not affect any rights which accrued before cancellation.

    9.5 Clauses 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11.8 will remain in full force and effect and survive the termination of these Terms.


    10. Confidentiality

    10.1 You must not use, disclose or reproduce these Terms or any of our Confidential Information, except as required to exercise your rights or perform your obligations in these Terms or with our prior written consent.

    10.2 We will not disclose your Confidential Information except as required to exercise our rights or perform our obligations under these Terms or the Subscription Agreement, which may include disclosing such information to our contractors, employees, consultants and professional advisers.

    10.3 The confidentiality obligations in this clause do not apply to the extent:

    • The information is required to be disclosed by law or court order.
    • Such information is in or becomes part of the public domain.
    • The information can be shown to have been known to the other party prior to it being disclosed or subsequently comes lawfully into the possession of the party from a third party.

    10.4 On our request, you must immediately provide to us or, to the extent reasonably practicable, destroy or delete all materials containing or referring to our Confidential Information which are in your possession, power or control.


    11. General

    11.1 Our business is located in New Zealand.  If you need to contact us about the Products or Services, our contact details are 0800 654 256 and

    11.2 Any notice or communication to be given under these Terms must be in writing and may be served personally or sent by registered mail or by email to the addresses specified in your account from time to time. We may also provide notice to you through the App.

    11.3 We may update these Terms and our applicable policies from time to time.  We will provide you with written notice of any material update to these Terms (which may include notification through the App) and, if you do not agree to the update, you may cancel these Terms with 1 month’s prior written notice to us.

    11.4 Our failure to enforce any provision of these Terms will not waive our right thereafter to enforce any such provision.

    11.5 These Terms contain the full and complete agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter and, except as otherwise provided, supersede all prior negotiations, commitments, writings, agreements, and understandings between the parties.

    11.6 These Terms will be governed by the laws of New Zealand and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand.

    11.7 In these Terms:

    Confidential Information” means any and all information, regardless of how the information is stored or delivered, exchanged between you and us relating to these Terms.

    Hardware” means the physical equipment installed at your Site which forms part of ‘Gallagher Security’ (including any third-party hardware).

    Intellectual Property Rights” means all intellectual property rights, including current and future registered and unregistered rights, in respect of copyright, designs, circuit layouts, trade marks, trade secrets, software applications, websites, patents, inventions, discoveries, know-how, confidential information and all other intellectual property rights and equivalent or similar forms of protection existing anywhere in the world.

    Products” means all products supplied by us which enables ‘Gallagher Security’ to be installed, serviced and used by you, including the Gallagher Security Application (but excluding the Hardware).

    Services” means the services subscribed to in the Subscription Agreement, which may be varied from time to time in accordance with those terms.

    Site” means the physical location for the Services and includes any building on the site.

    Subscription Agreement” means the agreement entered into relating to the use of ‘Gallagher Security’ at the Site.

    Subscription Payment” means the fee payable under the Subscription Agreement.

    11.8 In these Terms:

    • Clause and other headings are for ease of reference only and do not affect the interpretation hereof.
    • Including does not imply any limitations.
    • Any reference to “approval”, “consent”, “authorisation” or any other similar terms means our approval, consent or authorisation acting in our sole and absolute discretion.
    • To the extent of any inconsistency, the terms and conditions set out in these Terms will take precedence over any policies, or any other agreement entered into between us relating to the Services (other than the Subscription Agreement, which will at all times take precedence over these Terms).
  • Cancellation Policy

    1. Purpose

    The purpose of this policy is to provide you with information on the following:

    • When you can cancel the Gallagher Security End User Terms and Conditions (“End User Agreement”);
    • What happens on cancellation of your End User Agreement; and
    • How you can restart your subscription to our Products and Services.

    We recommend that this policy is read in conjunction with your End User Agreement. To the extent that any inconsistency arises between the End User Agreement and this policy, your End User Agreement will prevail.

    Terms used in this policy will have the same meaning given to them in your End User Agreement.

    Please note that we may update this policy from time to time. 

    If you have any questions relating to cancellation of your End User Agreement or are unhappy with the Products or Services that we provide for any reason, please contact our Customer Success Team at or on 0800 654 256.


    2. When can you cancel the End User Agreement?

    The End User Agreement remains in place until it is cancelled by you or by us.

    2.1 Your right to cancel

    If you need to cancel your subscription to the Products and Services, all you need to do is provide at least 1 month’s written notice to us by email at

    You may also cancel your End User Agreement by written notice to us at the above email or Gallagher Security, SMB, Private Bag 3026, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton, 3240, New Zealand; if any of the following occurs:

    • We commit a material breach of the End User Agreement and, if capable of remedy, we do not remedy that breach within 30 days of receiving written notice from you.
    • We are subject to liquidation, receivership or bankruptcy proceedings.
    • You are no longer in legal possession of the Site (which may include by virtue of the sale, lease, sub-lease, termination of lease, assignment or other disposal of the Site).

    The effective date of cancellation will be the date set out in your written notice to us.

    2.2 Our right to cancel

    We may cancel your End User Agreement at any time by providing at least 1 month’s written notice to you. We may also cancel your End User Agreement by written notice to you (with effect from the date specified in the notice) if any of the following occurs:

    • You commit a material breach of the End User Agreement and, if capable of remedy, you do not remedy that breach within 30 days of receiving written notice from us.
    • You are subject to liquidation, receivership or bankruptcy proceedings.
    • You are no longer in legal possession of the Site (including by virtue of the sale, lease, sub-lease, termination of lease, assignment or other disposal of the Site).

    Please note that, in addition to the above, we may stop providing the Products and Services to you if you stop paying the Subscription Fee (including where there is payment failure due to insufficient funds, incorrect or outdated payment information or transaction disputes).


    3. What happens on cancellation of your End User Agreement?

    3.1 Payment of Fees

    You are required to pay all Fees that are due and payable up to effective date of cancellation of your End User Agreement, including your ongoing Subscription Fee. Please note that if you fail to pay these Fees, we may exercise our rights under the End User Agreement (which may include referring the matter to an external debt collection agency).

    3.2 Gallagher SMB Application

    Your account on the Gallagher SMB Application will be closed at the effective date of cancellation of your End User Agreement. Please note that you will no longer be able to access your information on the Gallagher SMB Application from this date.

    3.3 Cancellation Charge

    If you cancel within the first year of your End User Agreement, we may charge you a “Cancellation Charge”.

    The Cancellation Charge will be the equivalent of three months of your Subscription Fee. The Cancellation Charge is payable within 14 days of the effective date of cancellation.

    Please note that you will not be required to pay any Cancellation Charge if the End User Agreement has been cancelled by us for no reason, or if the End User Agreement has been cancelled by you due to a breach by us of the End User Agreement.

    3.4 Hardware

    We will not remove any Hardware from your Site at the end of your End User Agreement, except as set out below.

    If your End User Agreement ends after you have paid the full Install and Hardware Fee, you may request that we remove the Hardware from the Site. However, if you do so:

    • you must pay our out of pocket costs and expenses relating to such removal;
    • you must grant us access to the Site for a period of 90 days from the date of your request; and
    • on and from removal, we will own the Hardware (but will not be required to pay or reimburse you for the Hardware unless we agree with you otherwise).

    If we are removing Hardware, we will contact you to arrange a day and time for its removal. We will notify you if there are any delays or changes to the removal date, but we will not be responsible for any costs or expenses that you may incur as a result of any delay. We will not in any circumstances be required to reinstate your Site following the end of the End User Agreement.

    3.5 Other

    At the end of your End User Agreement, we will return any keys or access cards that you have provided to us to provide the Services.

    We will also cease to access your Site (unless required for the removal of Hardware as set out in paragraph 3.4 above).

    The cancellation of the End User Agreement for any reason will not affect any rights which accrued before cancellation or which otherwise relate to or may arise at any future time from any breach under the End User Agreement prior to cancellation.

    Please note that we will not in any circumstances have any liability or obligation to provide any refund of any amounts that you have already paid to us, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.


    4. How can you restart your subscription to our Products and Services?

    We will keep your account with us open for a period of three months from the effective date of cancellation, so if you decide to come back, you can have continued access to existing data and your existing Subscription Fee will apply. If you wish to restart your subscription, please contact our Customer Success Team by email or on 0800 654 256 to discuss.

  • Privacy Policy - SMB App

    1. Introduction and Scope

    This Privacy Statement applies to the Gallagher SMB App (“the App”), supplied by Gallagher Group Limited (“Gallagher”) and explains how our organisation stores and uses the personal information we collect about you when you use the App. The App allows an authorised user to interact with the Gallagher SMB security system (“the SMB System”) at their site.  By using the App you are deemed to consent to this Privacy Statement, if you do not accept this Privacy Statement you should delete the App and notify your site administrator or business owner.

    2. How to Reach Us

    Please note that the App and our cloud services are processing personal information on behalf of a site that has a SMB System. For questions or complaints about the personal information the site hold about you, please contact the business owner or administrator of the site that invited you to use the App.

    For privacy questions to Gallagher please contact us by email to or by phone by calling    0064 7 8389800 or 0800 654 256 (NZ only).

    3. Personal Information, Collection and Uses

    3.1 What is personal information

    Personal Information is information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, or an online identifier. When we later refer to “personal details”, we mean information such as your name, email address, phone number, and physical address. When we later refer to “device details”, we mean information such as model and operating system.

    3.2 How we collect personal information

    Registration for the App will involve your business owner or administrator entering your name, email and mobile number in the Gallagher SMB cloud.  The SMB System then uses these details to send an invite to you.  Once you register your details, a mobile credential is downloaded to your phone for the purpose of identifying your device when you connect to the SMB System. This mobile credential is also stored in the cloud for the purposes of authentication and sending you notifications.

    We also collect some basic device details, to ensure functional operation of our service (see 3.5.3).

    We also record actions performed using your device when it interacts with the SMB System, which are associated with your name for auditing purposes.

    3.3 Marketing agencies

    We do not share your personal information with marketing agencies. Your information will not be sold, exchanged, transferred or given to any other company.

    3.4 Third-party service providers

    We may temporarily provide your personal information to companies that perform services for us, such as Apple or Google Firebase.

    For sites that have subscribed to guarding we will provide the guarding service with the name and phone number of the person who called the guard (via the App) or the key account holder of the site if the call out is made automatically by the SMB System. 




    3.5 Situations where we process your personal information

    3.5.1 Registration of your Mobile Credential ID

    Registration will involve the site storing your personal details on the Gallagher SMB cloud. In the event you no longer have a security system role at an individual site, the site owner may delete your profile from that site. You may ask your site owner to delete your details from their SMB System, but you will no longer have access to use the App for that site. You may need to do this for more than one site.

    We may store your email and mobile number in the Gallagher SMB cloud which is hosted regionally by AWS. Your email address is used for site invitations and as a unique identifier for your account. Your phone number may also be used if SMS verification is required and/or for the purpose of informing you of updates to the App.

    3.5.2 Using your device Mobile Arming when there’s no connection to the cloud service or for access through a door

    The App communicates with the Gallagher Bluetooth® Low Energy or NFC equipped Reader to provide a connection to the SMB System to perform actions such as arming/disarming areas or to provide access through doors. To use this functionality, you must have a registered mobile credential.

    When your device communicates with a Gallagher Reader, it sends your mobile credential ID (a random number which is associated to you) and then uses the FIDO UAF protocol to securely authenticate your device. More information on FIDO can be found at Location Services

    The App may ask for permission to access your device's location. For Android devices, location permissions are required to use Bluetooth® Low Energy scanning in any way. For iOS devices, location permissions are required to enable background scanning.

    The Gallagher SMB cloud does not use your location. It is never stored or transmitted in any way. These location permission requests are only in place because the operating system requires them to enable the above Bluetooth® Low Energy features. Log data and troubleshooting

    The App will collect logs to assist in troubleshooting should an error occur. This includes information about your activity. These logs are stored locally on your device and are not accessible to anybody unless you choose to share them. Details of the error may be sent to Gallagher’s Sentry account ( and used to help us improve our product. These details include Device Type, OS Versions, IP address and user ID. 

    3.5.3 Telemetry

    Whenever your App communicates with Gallagher’s cloud services, we send and store the following information to provide you with services and to enable us to improve our products:

    Last device logon date and time Mobile Device Operating System (e.g. iOS or Android)

    Operating System Version (e.g. iOS 11.4.1)

    Installed versions of the Gallagher SMB App

    Authentication token

    We store a history of your connections for a period of one year.

    3.5.4 Other                                                                                                                  

    System Administrators at Gallagher may access a site’s SMB System for the purpose of troubleshooting.

    3.6 Storage and Security

    Personal information collected on this website is collected and held by Gallagher. We will take reasonable efforts to protect personal information that is held by us from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, should a breach of data occur Gallagher will notify you as soon as reasonably possible.

    4. Your Privacy Choices

    We are processing your personal details on behalf of a site that has a SMB System installed. If you do not register using our App or if you delete the App or the mobile credential, you will not be able to use your device to interact with the SMB System to perform actions e.g. arming or disarming the site. To stop receiving notifications from a particular site, or for questions or complaints about your personal information, please contact the business owner or administrator of the site that invited you. To stop receiving notifications from the site, you may disable them for the App on your device. However, if you are a site manager, every time you log on you will be prompted to re-enable them as the ability to receive notifications is a fundamental part of the site manager role.  Your personal information will be used for the purposes and functions required to support the use of the SMB System.

    5. Minors

    We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from children under 16. If you are under the age of 16 you must inform your parents or caregiver of the collection and use of your information and have them read this privacy notice. If you are a parent or caregiver of a child under the age of 16 you may request that the child’s personal data be removed from our database by contacting the business owner or administrator of the site who can delete the data on your behalf or you may consent to their personal information being processed according to this policy.

    6. Cookies, Web Beacons and Other Technologies

    Wherever possible, we have disabled tracking by Google and Apple in the App. We store Cookies.

    7. Cross-Border Transfers

    We use cloud services from Amazon AWS on computer systems hosted regionally. We have a data processing agreement with AWS including Standard Data Protection Clauses to confirm the appropriate safeguards.

    8. Data Retention

    Data retention on Gallagher SMB cloud services

    Your Name

    Collected and stored


    Your email address

    Collected and stored


    Your phone number

    Collected and stored



    Not collected but is required to be activated on your device for Bluetooth service to work.

    Log data

    On your device and in the Gallagher Cloud service. Collected logs are deleted after a year.

    Telemetry data

    We store a history of your connections for a period of one year.


    IP address

    Collected and stored


    9. Information Security

    Gallagher takes cyber security seriously. We intend to protect your personal information and to maintain its accuracy. Gallagher implements reasonable physical administrative and technical safeguards (such as system monitoring and encryption) to help us protect your personal information from unauthorised access, use and disclosure. We restrict access to your personal information to those employees who “need to know” it to provide services to you. In addition, we train our employees about the importance of confidentiality and maintaining the privacy and security of your information. We commit to taking appropriate disciplinary measures to enforce our employees' privacy responsibilities. We also require that our suppliers protect personal information from unauthorised access, use and disclosure.

    10. Complaints

    In many countries, you have a right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate privacy or data protection authority if you have concerns about how we process your personal information.

    We aim to resolve complaints quickly and informally. If you wish to proceed to a formal privacy complaint, we will need you to make your complaint in writing to our Privacy Officers, as above. We will then acknowledge your formal complaint within 10 working days.

    If you are not satisfied with the responses from your site or from us, you may contact the appropriate national privacy authority.

    11. Changes and Updates to this Privacy Statement

    This Statement is effective from 1 November 2022 and supersedes all previous notices or statements regarding our privacy and data protection practices and the terms and conditions that govern the use of the SMB System. We recognise that privacy and data protection is an ongoing responsibility, and so we review this Statement regularly and will update it from time to time as we undertake new practices or adopt new policies. You should check our website frequently to see the current Statement that is in effect for any updates we have made. We reserve the right to amend our Privacy Statement at any time, for any reason, without notice to you, other than posting the updated version on our website.

  • Privacy Policy - SMB Partner

    1. Introduction and Scope

    This Privacy Statement applies to the Gallagher Installer Configuration App (“the App”), which is supplied by Gallagher Group Limited and its related companies (“Gallagher”). It explains how Gallagher stores and uses the personal information we collect about you when you use the Gallagher Installer Configuration App. The App allows an authorised user to configure the Gallagher SMB security system (“SMB System”) for a customer’s site.  By using the App you are deemed to consent to this Privacy Statement, if you do not accept this Privacy Statement you should delete the App and notify your site administrator or business owner. 


    2. How to Reach Us

    For questions or complaints about the personal information held about you by Gallagher, please contact the person within your organisation who registered you to access the SMB System.

    For privacy questions to Gallagher please contact us by emailing or phone by calling    0064 7 8389800 or 0800 654 256 (NZ only).

    3. Personal Information, Collection and Uses

    3.1 Collecting your personal information

    • email address - Registration for the App will involve your supplied email address being added to the Gallagher SMB Cloud.
    • device model and operating system - We collect some basic information about your device such as model and operating system, to ensure functional operation of our service (see 3.4.2).
    • actions- We record actions performed using the App which are associated with your name for auditing purposes.
    • IP address – is only captured in our cloud in case of an error with the App.
    • installation company’s service email address and phone number - They are NOT captured in the installer app, just retrieved. The installation company’s service email address and phone number. These could contain the email address and phone number of an individual but may be a general email address and phone number for the installation company.

    3.2 Marketing agencies

    We do not share your personal information with marketing agencies. Your information will not be sold, exchanged, transferred or given to any other company.

    3.4 Situations where we process your personal information

    3.4.1 Registration of your technician account

    Registration will involve storing your email address on the Gallagher SMB cloud, which is hosted regionally by AWS. Your email address is a unique identifier for your account. In the event you no longer have a security system role at an installer organisation, your profile may be deleted from that organisation and /or you may ask the organisation which registered you for your profile to be deleted from the Gallagher SMB cloud. In either case, you will no longer have access to use the App for that organisation.

    3.4.2 Telemetry

    Whenever your App communicates with Gallagher’s cloud services, we send and store the following information to provide you with services and to enable us to improve our products: Operating System Version (e.g. iOS 11.4.1), authentication token.

    We store a history of your connections and actions for a period of one year.

    3.5 Storage and Security

    Personal information collected on this website is collected and held by Gallagher. We will take reasonable efforts to protect personal information that is held by us from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, should a breach of data occur Gallagher will notify you as soon as reasonably possible.

    4. Your Privacy Choices

    We are processing your personal information on behalf of an organisation that has registered as a Gallagher SMB installer. If you do not register with the App you will not be able to interact with the SMB System to perform actions. For questions or complaints about your personal information, please contact the person in your organisation who registered you. Your personal information will be used for the purposes and functions required to support the use of the SMB System installer functions.

    5. Minors

    We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from children under 16. If you are under the age of 16 you must inform your parents or caregiver of the collection and use of your information and have them read this privacy notice. If you are a parent or caregiver of a child under the age of 16 you may request that the child’s personal data be removed from our database by contacting the organisation who registered you who can delete the data on your behalf or you may consent to their personal information being processed according to this policy.

    6. Cookies, Web Beacons and Other Technologies

    Wherever possible, we have disabled tracking by Google and Apple in the Gallagher Installer Configuration App. We store Cookies.

    7. Cross-Border Transfers

    We use cloud services from Amazon AWS on computer systems hosted regionally. We have a data processing agreement with AWS including Standard Data Protection Clauses to confirm the appropriate safeguards.

    8. Data Retention

    Data retention for Gallagher Installer Configuration App

    Retention Period

    Your email address

    Collected and stored


    Until deleted by your Organisation

    Log data

    Logs stored In the Gallagher cloud service.


    1 Year

    Telemetry data

    History of your connections.


    1 Year

    IP address

    Collected and stored


    1 year

    9. Information Security

    Gallagher takes cyber security seriously. We intend to protect your personal information. Gallagher implements reasonable physical administrative and technical safeguards (such as system monitoring and encryption) to help us protect your personal information from unauthorised access, use and disclosure. We restrict access to your personal information to those Gallaher Employees who “need to know” it to provide services to you. In addition, we train our employees about the importance of confidentiality and maintaining the privacy and security of your information. We commit to taking appropriate disciplinary measures to enforce our employees' privacy responsibilities. We also require that our suppliers protect personal information from unauthorised access, use and disclosure.

    10. Complaints

    In many countries, you have a right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate privacy or data protection authority if you have concerns about how we process your personal information.

    We aim to resolve complaints quickly and informally. If you wish to proceed to a formal privacy complaint, we will need you to make your complaint in writing to our Privacy Officers, as above. We will then acknowledge your formal complaint within 10 working days.

    If you are not satisfied with the responses from your site or from us you may contact the appropriate national privacy authority.

    11. Changes and Updates to this Privacy Statement

    This Statement is effective from 1 November 2022 and supersedes all previous notices or statements regarding our privacy and data protection practices and the terms and conditions that govern the use of the system. We recognise that privacy and data protection is an ongoing responsibility, and so we review this Statement regularly and will update it from time to time as we undertake new practices or adopt new policies. You should check our website frequently to see the current Statement that is in effect for any updates we have made. We reserve the right to amend our Privacy Statement at any time, for any reason, without notice to you, other than posting the updated version on our website.


  • Product Warranty Policy

    Gallagher manufactured product undergoes rigorous testing before it leaves our factory. If you do find a fault with our product we offer a warranty to cover you. Gallagher will always endeavour to repair, replace or refund the purchase price of a faulty product to the original purchaser provided the item is returned within the warranty period.

    The following warranty periods apply to Gallagher manufactured product:


    Limited lifetime warranty

    All Gallagher T10, T11, T12 and T15 readers are covered by a Limited Lifetime Warranty.

    This means that these readers are warranted for the life of the product, however, as we evolve our reader range to meet customer requirements some readers may become obsolete. If this happens we will continue to honour the warranty of those products for a further five years.


    Software warranty

    Gallagher warrants that the software will operate in accordance with the specification.  Gallagher’s sole obligation in respect of the software products warranty is to use its reasonable endeavours to correct the program so that it performs in accordance with Gallagher’s specifications. Gallagher does not warrant any third-party software developed using Gallagher Application Programming Interfaces.


    Five year warranty

    We are committed to providing you with products of an outstanding quality and to show this we offer a five year warranty on the majority of our current generation of Gallagher manufactured electronic products. As we develop new products these will also be added to the list and the products they replace will be removed. The products removed from the list will still carry the applicable warranty from their time of purchase.

    The products currently covered by a five year warranty include:

    • Access control electronics
    • SMB specific components

    See your Gallagher Certified Installer for a full list of covered products and exclusions.


    Two year warranty

    All other Gallagher manufactured product is covered by a two year warranty.


    Repaired and serviced parts

    Repaired and serviced parts will continue with their original warranty period or be warranted for 90 days after the repaired or serviced product was shipped, which ever date is later.


    Warranty exclusions

    1. Product modified or altered without Gallagher’s written authorization
    2. Product which has not been used in accordance with Gallagher’s documentation, installation or operating instructions or not installed by a Gallagher Certified Installer.
    3. Product which has been subjected to conditions not in accordance with those specified in Gallagher technical product specifications, or to unusual electrical or physical stress, fire, lightening, Force Majeure, neglect, contamination by insect or vermin, misuse, abuse, improper storage, testing or connections, power or air conditioning failure, hazardous or unreasonable use, servicing by any third party not authorized by Gallagher to perform such work or servicing, or exposure to airborne contaminants including but not limited to geothermal, chemical, salt spray, local environmental influences etc.
    4. General wear and tear on all readers, cards and transponders is specifically excluded from warranty claims
    5. Product no longer covered under the applicable warranty period
    6. Freight costs to return a product to Gallagher
    7. Installation, maintenance or service costs relating to a warranty claim
    8. Any incidental or consequential costs associated with the failure of a Gallagher product under warranty
    9. Product returned to Gallagher in an un-testable state unrelated to the warranty claim (e.g. Reader wiring cut off at the reader base, Controllers missing connectors unrelated to a fault etc.)
    10. 3rd party supplied equipment

    Where product is outside it’s warranty period Gallagher offers a fixed price repair service.


    Warranty and service/replacement of products supplied by a third party

    Third party products sold by us will be covered under the warranty terms of the respective manufacturer.  Contact your Gallagher Certified Installer for more information on the products you are interested in.


    If you have a faulty product

    In the first instance contact your Gallagher Certified Installer, they will be able to remove and return the faulty product to us while also handling the warranty process for you.

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