What if security
is capable of so much more?

Gallagher Security is trusted by over 20,000 customers in 140 countries

There's value hiding in your security system.

See how 10 cutting-edge organizations are unlocking it, and learn how security:

  • Saves a boarding school 30% on their energy bills
  • Generates revenue for a network of medical centers
  • Optimizes resource allocation for a major resort and casino
  • Prevents product contamination for a dairy manufacturer
  • Maximizes efficiency from curb to core

And so much more.

Download your free copy for inspiration of what your business can unlock with your security system.

What if security
saved you 30% on energy bills?

A busy boarding school, St Peter’s in New Zealand has over 1000 students and 350 staff who need round-the-clock heating, lighting, air conditioning - and it comes at a cost. Our solution manages the school buildings and facilities to reduce energy consumption, achieving a 30% saving. That’s return on investment.

What if security
optimized spaces?

A multitude of spaces at Okada Manila resort in the Philippines means guests can stay, play, dine, shop and unwind - but with it comes huge organizational complexity. We ensure compliances are met across the site through data reporting from multiple technologies to provide a bird’s eye view of the resort and its many movements. Knowledge is power.

What if security
preserved history?

Historic buildings can get left behind in terms of technology due to cost of upkeep, layout practicalities, and funding issues. We helped develop a solution to provide robust access control and central building management to manage risk and improve business efficiencies across the Royal Exchange Theatre. Intelligent site management is timeless.

Security is unlocking more than ever

By challenging what's possible, Gallagher empowers businesses to be more connected with their people, their goals, and their potential. More importantly, we're protecting those connections once they're made.


If security is just the beginning, what can Gallagher unlock for you?